Convert Weights via MLC

To run a model with MLC LLM in any platform, you need:

  1. Model weights converted to MLC format (e.g. RedPajama-INCITE-Chat-3B-v1-q4f16_1-MLC.)

  2. Model library that comprises the inference logic (see repo binary-mlc-llm-libs).

In many cases, we only need to convert weights and reuse existing model library. This page demonstrates adding a model variant with mlc_llm convert_weight, which takes a hugginface model as input and converts/quantizes into MLC-compatible weights.

Specifically, we add RedPjama-INCITE-Instruct-3B-v1, while MLC already provides a model library for RedPjama-INCITE-Chat-3B-v1, which we can reuse.

This can be extended to, e.g.:

  • Add OpenHermes-Mistral when MLC already supports Mistral

  • Add Llama-2-uncensored when MLC already supports Llama-2


Before you proceed, make sure you followed Install TVM Unity Compiler, a required backend to compile models with MLC LLM.

Please also follow the instructions in CLI / Python API (Chat Module) to obtain the CLI app / Python API that can be used to chat with the compiled model. Finally, we strongly recommend you to read Project Overview first to get familiarized with the high-level terminologies.

0. Verify installation

Step 1. Verify mlc_llm

We use the python package mlc_llm to compile models. This can be installed by following Install MLC LLM Python Package, either by building from source, or by installing the prebuilt package. Verify mlc_llm installation in command line via:

$ mlc_llm --help
# You should see help information with this line
usage: MLC LLM Command Line Interface. [-h] {compile,convert_weight,gen_config}


If it runs into error command not found: mlc_llm, try python -m mlc_llm --help.

Step 2. Verify TVM

To compile models, you also need to follow Install TVM Unity Compiler. Here we verify tvm quickly with command line (for full verification, see Validate TVM Installation):

$ python -c "import tvm; print(tvm.__file__)"

1. Clone from HF and convert_weight

You can be under the mlc-llm repo, or your own working directory. Note that all platforms can share the same compiled/quantized weights. See Compile Command Specification for specification of convert_weight.

# Create directory
mkdir -p dist/models && cd dist/models
# Clone HF weights
git lfs install
git clone
cd ../..
# Convert weight
mlc_llm convert_weight ./dist/models/RedPajama-INCITE-Instruct-3B-v1/ \
    --quantization q4f16_1 \
    -o dist/RedPajama-INCITE-Instruct-3B-v1-q4f16_1-MLC

2. Generate MLC Chat Config

Use mlc_llm gen_config to generate mlc-chat-config.json and process tokenizers. See Compile Command Specification for specification of gen_config.

mlc_llm gen_config ./dist/models/RedPajama-INCITE-Instruct-3B-v1/ \
    --quantization q4f16_1 --conv-template redpajama_chat \
    -o dist/RedPajama-INCITE-Instruct-3B-v1-q4f16_1-MLC/


The file mlc-chat-config.json is crucial in both model compilation and runtime chatting. Here we only care about the latter case.

You can optionally customize dist/RedPajama-INCITE-Instruct-3B-v1-q4f16_1-MLC/mlc-chat-config.json (checkout Customize MLC Config File in JSON for more detailed instructions). You can also simply use the default configuration. contains a full list of conversation templates that MLC provides. If the model you are adding requires a new conversation template, you would need to add your own. Follow this PR as an example. However, adding your own template would require you build mlc_llm from source in order for it to be recognized by the runtime.

By now, you should have the following files.

~/mlc-llm > ls dist/RedPajama-INCITE-Instruct-3B-v1-q4f16_1-MLC
    mlc-chat-config.json                             # ===> the chat config
    ndarray-cache.json                               # ===> the model weight info
    params_shard_0.bin                               # ===> the model weights
    tokenizer.json                                   # ===> the tokenizer files

(Optional) 3. Upload weights to HF

Optionally, you can upload what we have to huggingface.

# First, please create a repository on Hugging Face.
# With the repository created, run
git lfs install
git clone
cd my-redpajama3b-weight-huggingface-repo
cp path/to/mlc-llm/dist/RedPajama-INCITE-Instruct-3B-v1-q4f16_1-MLC/* .
git add . && git commit -m "Add redpajama-3b instruct model weights"
git push origin main

This would result in something like RedPajama-INCITE-Chat-3B-v1-q4f16_1-MLC, but for Instruct instead of Chat.

Good job, you have successfully distributed the model you compiled. Next, we will talk about how we can consume the model weights in applications.

Download the Distributed Models and Run in Python

Running the distributed models are similar to running prebuilt model weights and libraries in Model Prebuilts.

# Clone prebuilt libs so we can reuse them:
mkdir -p dist/
git clone dist/prebuilt_libs

# Or download the model library (only needed if we do not reuse the model lib):
cd dist/prebuilt_libs
wget url-to-my-model-lib
cd ../..

# Download the model weights
cd dist
git clone RedPajama-INCITE-Instruct-3B-v1-q4f16_1-MLC
cd ..

# Run the model in Python; note that we reuse `-Chat` model library
>>> from mlc_llm import ChatModule
>>> cm = ChatModule(model="dist/RedPajama-INCITE-Instruct-3B-v1-q4f16_1-MLC", \
    model_lib="dist/prebuilt_libs/")  # Adjust based on backend
>>> cm.generate("hi")
'Hi! How can I assist you today?'